by Boris Volodarsky
Spy Capital documentary film supports and illustrates a popular claim that Vienna, the Austrian capital, has been playing a role of a true world spy capital for the last 150 years and beyond.

The script covers the period from 1873 starting with the anniversary of Viennas World Exhibition as well as the formation of a new spy agency agains Austria and Russia moving on to the (in)famous espionage case of Colonel Alfred Redl, who rose to head the counterintelligence department of the General Staff of the Austro-Hungarian Army at the same time being a ‘mole’ spying for the Russians. When uncovered, Redl committed suicide in May 1913.

The film ends with the 2023 Russian - Ukrainian war and what connection the Austrian colonel Martin Möller has with Putins SVR.

See current production status and


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News Articles

Cannes Film Festival to Host World Premiere of "Spy Capital: Vienna"
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Behind the Lens of Espionage | Dennis Dewall & ‘Spy Capital: Vienna’
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Dennis Dewall | Bridging History and Mystery in ‘Spy Capital: Vienna’ and ‘The Vienna Procedure
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Spy Capital: Exciting documentary highlights Vienna's secret agent history
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Behind The Curtain | Unveiling 'Spy Capital: Vienna' With Boris Volodarsky
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Spy movies are always in demand with great global hits. This genre of movies enjoys a fixed fan base probably because of then mind-blowing reeled presentation of exciting pastime, hi-tech delights, and exotic locations. Many Hit spy films combine the thrill of action and science fiction sets, which entices the audience with awe-struck surprise on the spool.

But the film Spy Capital is a little bit different in this spy film genre. The film deals with 9 interesting and spine-chilling episodes that took place in one location, and that is Vienna, the Austrian capital. Here beside the stories, the location also plays an interesting role with its background, where Vienna is called the SPY center of the world.

With 122 embassies, thousands actively operating spies, and lots of secretly open espionage network, Vienna has contributed its persona in the plot progression since the last century, and that has added unique tweak and twist for the viewers while watching the reel rolling on. As per the Director of the film Boris Volodarsky and Producer Dennis Dewall, lots of shocking secrets will be revealed in this 74-minute spy world documentary, and it is worth watching.

Vienna Spy Tour

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Discover this great city in the heart of Europe from the shadows and enter the dark and dangerous wold of intelligence gathering and the secret agent. From ancient times to todays hi tech world, Vienna has for many years been at the center of world politics and spy games.

The tour will take in all the great landmarks and also reveal some of the lesser known but equally surprising stories of Vienna.

Boris Volodarsky
Dennis Dewall
Majestic Imperator Train de Luxe
Studio: Westside Studios

Tech Specs

74 min
Color & BW
4K | 5.1 | 16:9 | DCP


Release Date:
16 May 2024 (Cannes)

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KGB's Poison Factory by Boris Volodarsky

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Oberst Redl by Verena Moritz, Hannes Leidinger

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